Resort & Mission Hub

Acts 29 Project:

A Missiological Workable Business4Mission; Chiang Kham Farm Hub

In following the teachings of Matthew 25:1-46, Hebrews 10:25, regarding the preparation for the Master’s return at the Rapture, we are organizing a project to bring together a community of Christian partnerships and provisions, for the purpose of evangelizing and empowering the weak; loving them as though we are loving Jesus. Deuteronomy 6:5.It is a project with strategies to focus on End Times Crisis Preparation, Empowering the Christians to evangelize the Weak. Thailand’s less than 1% Christian population in a country of 72 million people is already a grave mission concern for the church. Within a year, we believe that God will miraculously bring together the resources to start the project; from supplying the farmland to speaking to Christians to respond to the call.

Firstly, God chooses to use our Charitable Organization to process the project. Then He provides the 23 acres of mature farm land at northern Thailand to be the hub for both the Agricultural and the Academic aspects of the project. It is at a very unpopular and small town called Chiangkham. Here God once brought great revival to this Christian Village; our local church believers said at the height of the revival some 30 years ago, they had 100% Christians in their village! Our project will connect to the few Churches in Chiangkham and a Mission Center for 100 over Hmong tribe students from Primary to High School level. Together we will be a community where God will use to reach out to the folks in the towns nearby and at the surrounding mountain villages where the students came from. Many of the villages are being reached by past years of mission.

Secondly, after months of dreaming, deliberating and designing the project strategy, we have to start the work even though we are not 100 percent ready, God is already bringing the Christians with the right abilities and attitude to work us; there is this coming together of the group; they volunteered, they gave ideas, they donated and even work very hard to clear the overgrown weeds and vegetation. So the agricultural farm work has started. Both Christians from local Thailand and foreign countries are coming together to do His project. As the land is a mature farm with hundreds of fruit trees, few ponds with fishes and grasses for poultry to live on, the farming start is easy. We are working on the thousands of rubber trees, pineapples plants, dwarf coconut trees and pomelo trees. Next, we are starting to build the black chicken coops and black pigs pen, plant and grow vegetables and food for the poultry and for sale.

Come second half of 2024 we will start work on our next phase; the building the farm stay houses for prayer retreats, green houses for vegetables and resort houses for foreign Christians. We will also be starting the Academy side of teaching languages and skills and train our hill tribe students for their future and careers. God has even prepared qualified local and foreign experts in education and business owners to spearhead the Academic training. Many foreigners are excited about this opportunity to train and guide the hill tribe students towards their future.

We are expecting to see more miraculous intervention coming in! Is God directing you to come here? Do you have a desire to serve in missions? Are you prepared for the end times crisis and want to prepare the way for the weak? Do you know that we do not have many years before the imminent return of Christ for the Rapture? If you are, come explore with us and we will guide you into what God want you to do.